

Rail Transit Solutions


More intelligent process management

• Manual → electronic network. Work orders, dispatch command orders and operation orders are issued electronically and transmitted via network for shorter preparation time of operation and higher efficiency.


• The power supply system is a key factor in the operating safety of rail transit. Once it fails or is interrupted, it will affect passenger travel and seriously jeopardize the personal life safety, affecting the social and economic orders.

• With consideration of the characteristics of the industry and designed with cloud computing, big data, loT, mobile Internet, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, the system provides intelligent solutions for the safety of operation and maintenance of rail transit and efficiency improvement, comprehensively protecting the safety of personnel and equipment, enhancing operational efficiency, and ensuring the safe, standardized and reliable operation of the rail transit power supply system by technical means.


More intelligent process management

• Manual → electronic network. Work orders, dispatch command orders and operation orders are issued electronically and transmitted via network for shorter preparation time of operation and higher efficiency.

Safer operation process

• Human control → technological defense. With logical judgment and video monitoring in the whole process of operation, the safety management and control level of operation is enhanced by automated technical means.

More reliable safety guarantee

• Equipment body → Whole system. Based on equipment body error prevention and local error prevention, it improves cross-equipment and cross-location error prevention, and builds a line network based overall safety guarantee system.

More convenient supervision of operation

• Local → Remote. It realizes remote video surveillance of the whole process of operation and greatly improves the comprehensive management and control efficiency of equipment, personnel and operation.

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